Stormwater Management Engineering


By T. Andrew Earles, Ph.D., P.E., D.WRE, Wright Water Engineers, Inc.


This seminar will provide an overview of the field of stormwater management engineering, an area of practice for Civil Engineers with a background in hydrology, hydraulics and water resources.  The presentation will begin with a brief overview of the evolution of the field and fundamental concepts related to the management of the quantity and quality of stormwater.  In the metropolitan Denver area, the Urban Drainage and Flood Control District (UDFCD)  establishes criteria for stormwater drainage and water quality.  The author was the lead of the consulting team that assisted UDFCD with the recent update of Volume 3 of their Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual, which addresses water quality.  The presentation will focus on hydrologic and water quality benefits of Low Impact Development (LID) and emerging concepts of Green Infrastructure, providing examples of criteria and installations of stormwater best management practices. (BMPs).