Water Engineering for World Heritage Protection This presentation will provide an overview of water resources engineering projects at World Heritage Sites. Dr. Andrew Earles will review sites around the world where he has worked as a consultant on erosion and sediment control, flooding and other water resources topics. Andrew will provide case studies of work at Wat Chaiwatthanaram in Thailand, Shwenandaw Kyaung (the Golden Monestary) in Myanmar and Phnom Bakheng in Cambodia, among others. The presentation will blend technical aspects with stunning photos of World Heritage Sites. Andrew Earles, Ph.D., P.E., D.WRE Vice President of Water Resources Wright Water Engineers, Inc. Over 50 Years of Service 2490 W. 26th Avenue Suite 100A Denver, CO 80211 (303) 480-1700 (303) 480-1020 FAX (303) 475-9816 CELL HTTP://www.wrightwater.com