Spatio-temporal Frameworks of Extreme Value Analysis: Applications to Understanding and Modeling the Current California Drought and Rainfall Extremes In this presentation, a spatio-temporal framework for modeling extreme values is presented. The framework has two hierarchical components – (i) the generalized extreme value (GEV) distributions are fitted to the block maxima (e.g., seasonal maximum rainfall) at each gauge/location, and (ii) a Copula is applied to pool at-site extremes together to capture the spatial correlation. Furthermore, the parameters of the GEV distributions are modeled as a function of time and additional climate covariates, such as ENSO and PDO etc. This hierarchy is implemented in a Bayesian realm to estimate posteriors of distribution parameters of extremes with quantifying the uncertainties more rigorously at the same time. The proposed framework is illustrated on modeling seasonal rainfall extremes over Arizona. The results skillfully capture the spatial and temporal features of the rainfall extremes, and it offers an attractive approach to forecast seasonal extremes across spatio-temporal scales with considerably reduced uncertainties. In the second part, related to the above method, the Copula in particular is applied to understand the feature of the current California drought. The impact of the ongoing drought on California’s water and agriculture is well known. One of the scientific questions being hotly debated is - how has human-induced climate change affected CA drought risk? Here we apply multivariate Copula to drought metrics including duration, cumulative precipitation deficit and soil moisture depletion, from observations and climate model experiments to characterize the risk/return period of the current CA drought. We find that droughts characterized using bivariate indicators of precipitation and 10-cm soil moisture become more frequent because shallow soil moisture responds most sensitively to increased evaporation driven by warming. However, when using 1-m soil moisture droughts become less frequent because deep soil moisture responds most sensitively to increased precipitation. These interesting insights will be of immense help in managing water and agricultural resources.