Spring 2009: Hydrologic Sciences and Water Resources Engineering Seminar Series

Location:    ECCB 1B47                                 Time:    11:00 - 12:00 PM               Co-ordinator:   Prof. R. Balaji




Jan. 14 (Wed) Prof. R. Balaji
Prof. John Pitlick, GEOG
Introductions, Announcement by Prof. John Pitlick, Hydrologic Sciences Program 
Jan. 21 (Wed) Erin Towler
PhD Candidate, CEAE
Understanding and Incorporating the Impacts of Climate Change on Source 
Water Quality and Utility Planning. Abstract
Jan. 28
Dr. Diego A. Riveros-Iregui
Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
Hydrologic-Carbon Cycle Linkages in a Subalpine Catchment. Abstract
Feb. 4
Dr. Jeff Lukas
Dendrochronology Lab, INSTAAR
Tree-ring Paleo-hydrologies and Their Application to Water Management in Colorado and the West. Abstract
Feb. 6
Dr. Trent Biggs
San Diego State University
Watershed Processes and human activities in River Basins: From the Amazon to South Asia
3:30P GEOG Room 205
Feb. 9
Dr. Simon Mudd
University of Edinburgh
The coupled geochemical and geomorphic evolution of soil mantled landscapes"
12:00P, RL-3 (East Campus) ARC 620
Feb. 18 (Wed)  Nate Bradley
 PhD Candidate,GEOL
Anomalous Dispersion in a Sand-Bed River.  Abstract
Feb. 25 (Wed) Dr. Arun Karunanithi
CU Denver, Dept. of Civil Engg
Metrics Based Sustainability Assessment.  Abstract
Mar. 4 (Wed) Dr. Lynn Johnson
CU Denver, Dept. of Civil Engg
 Hydrometeorology Test Beds   Abstract
Mar. 11 (Wed) James McCreight
NSIDC & PhD Candidate, CEAE
Snow Hydrology: How much water is in the mountains and when is it coming down?  Abstract
Mar. 18 (Wed) Dr. AbdulKarim Seid
Dr. Mekuria Beyene
Nile River Basin Initiative
Nile Basin Initiative : A Short Overview Abstract
Mar. 25
Spring Break
Hydrology Days 2009
Spring Break
Hydrology Days, March 25-29, Fort Collins, CO
Apr. 2-3
(Thu - Fri)
Annual Student Research

Apr. 8 (Wed) Prof. Shemin Ge
Earthquake and Hydrologic Processes Abstract
Apr. 15
Dr. Tom Hopson
New approaches to operational flood forecasting for Bangladesh. Abstract
Apr. 22 (Wed) Dr. Douglas Kenney
Natural Resource Law Center
Demand-Oriented Water Planning: What Would it Look Like? Abstract
Apr. 29 (Wed) Dr. Ricardo Mantilla
Univ. of Iowa
Connecting Self-Similarity in Channel Network Topology to Scaling of Flood Data  Abstract