The development of Chemoattractant plumes in complex flows and the role of the chemotactic strategies employed by sperm to navigate the plumes to fertilize an egg Abstract Many species of benthic invertebrates reproduce through the process of broadcast spawning. In this fertilization technique, the males release a cloud of sperm and the females release a cloud of eggs into the ambient flow. The two plumes are then brought close together by the dynamics of the flow. Once they are close enough, the sperm must then swim to the egg to successfully fertilize. Chemotaxis, the directed movement of an organism by a chemical, helps to guide the sperm to their conspecific egg. Each individual egg releases a plume of chemoattractant that the sperm then use to locate the egg. The plume of chemoattractant released from individual eggs was numerically modeled using the mechanisms of diffusion and advection. The diffusive plume was altered by the flow resulting from the presence of an egg in a shear flow. Both a steady flow, with a constant shear rate and orientation and unsteady shear flow, where both the direction and magnitude of shear rate varied in time, were modeled. This is reminiscent of the type of flow an egg would experience due to its small scale. We numerically modeled the sperm swimming behavior using several possible chemotactic strategies cited from passed studies. Within these strategies, the methods used to reorient the sperm's swimming path and alter the swimming speed are varied. Using a stochastic process, we are able to quantify the likelihood of fertilization for each chemotactic strategy within a variety of flows from different locations. The motility of the sperm turns out to be an evolutionary process that is able to mimic the process of diffusion, enhancing the ability of the two clouds of sperm and eggs to overlap to allow the sperm to fertilize the eggs.