Towards a complete description of the hydrologic cycle: Large scale simulations with parallel, integrated models Reed Maxwell, Department of Geology and Geological Engineering and International Groundwater Modeling Center, Colorado School of Mines, Golden CO, USA Integrated hydrologic models are growing in application and show significant promise in unraveling connections between the surface, subsurface, land-surface and lower atmospheric systems. Recent advances in numerical methods, coupled formulation and computing power have all enabled new levels of high resolution integrated simulation not previously feasible. Here I will discuss some recent applications of an integrated groundwater surface water hydrologic model with coupled land surface and atmospheric processes. Using a computationally powerful, integrated model we can address questions related to the propagation of uncertainty in nonlinear systems, the nature of scaling over large extents, and feedbacks for both hydrology and water quality in ways not possible with standard hydrology tools. I will demonstrate a number of applications including several large-scale watersheds in North and South America modeled at high resolution. Details will include techniques for model setup and initialization, in addition to results that focus on understanding fluxes, particularly from mountain-block systems, feedbacks and systems dynamics. Additional anthropogenic complications such as the effects of pumping, irrigation and urbanization will be discussed and a path forward for integrated simulations of the hydrologic cycle will be presented.