Load Posting
NCHRP Synthesis Report 453 on practices in posting highway bridges for
loading. Overview of load posting status of US bridges, load
posting vehicles, legal loads and routine permit loads.
http://onlinepubs.trb.org/onlinepubs/nchrp/nchrp_syn_453.pdf |
Bridge Management Case Studies
Publication prepared for USDOT FHWA on practices in bridge management
of US State transportation departments in Idaho, Michigan and Virginia.
Case studies in BMS are part of FHWA's continuing effort to
provide technical assistance and information to road agencies
best practices.
http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/asset/hif12029/hif12029.pdf |

Deterioration and
Information for Bridge Management
Final report for CDOT project
87-60 to assemble
deterioration, action and cost data for CDOT's Pontis BMS preservation
model. The project will populate data tables in
operate the
preservation model and evaluate the quality of outcomes, and establish
automated procedures for ongoing preparation and use of
construction cost data in
Pontis system.
Bridge Maintenance Database
NCHRP Report 668 on development
of a system for uniform reporting, archiving and retrieval of data on
maintenance work on highway bridges. The database
will allow
transportation departments to study effectiveness of maintenance
products and methods through examination of performance at multiple
DOTs. Sponsor: NCHRP. Project: 14-15.
http://www.trb.org/Main/Blurbs/Framework_for_a_National_Database_System_for_Maint_164203.aspx |

07-05 Best Practices in Bridge Management Decision-Making
Report on US best practices in selection, execution and evaluation of
DOT programs for bridge maintenance. In progress.
NCHRP 20-68A – US Domestic
Bridge Inspection
NCHRP Synthesis Report 375 on administration, personnel, methods,
intervals, quality control and quality assurance in highway bridge
inspections. Participation by US state DOTs, and roads
in Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Norway, South Africa,
Sweden, and the United Kingdom of England and Northern Ireland.
Bridge Preservation
and Maintenance in
Europe and South Africa
Report of the international scan trip on bridge inspection, maintenance
methods and maintenance programming.
http://international.fhwa.dot.gov/pubs/pl05002/pl05002.pdf |

Life and Cost Comparisons for Four Types of CDOT Bridge Decks
Evaluation of costs and performance
four types of reinforced concrete bridge decks for a population of 82
CDOT bridge decks. Computation of average service life,
average material costs for construction, and average maintenance costs.
Computation of a set of cost
evaluations including present value unit cost and annualized
unit cost.
http://www.coloradodot.info/programs/research/pdfs/2007/bridgedecklife.pdf/view |

of a Management System for Retaining Walls and Sound Barriers
Blueprint for asset management
systems for retaining
walls and
sound barriers. Wall/barrier management systems
are implemented within
existing software for bridge management such as AASHTOWare's Pontis
management system. The project developed
inventory record for walls and barriers, elements for walls and
barriers, the use of components for hidden elements of walls, condition
states, and appraisals, together with initial recommendations on
inspection practices and intervals.
http://www.coloradodot.info/programs/research/pdfs/2003/retainingwallmgt.pdf/view |
Lab Reaction Wall
Design and fabrication of a system of modular reactions walls to used
in earthquake engineering research at the University of
Sponsor: NSF
link |