Location: ECCE
Wednesdays 11:00 - 12:00 PM
Prof. R. Balaji |
Jan. 16 (Wed) | Prof.
Jean Hertzberg Department of Mechanical Engineering University of Colorado, Boulder, CO |
The Aesthetics of Beauty, Power, Destruction and Oddness Abstract |
Jan. 23 (Wed) |
Erin Towler Project Scientist Regional Climate Research Section, MMM NCAR, Boulder, CO |
Incorporating Climate Forecasts into Aquatic
Management Using a Risk-based Framework Abstract |
Jan. 30 (Wed) |
Peter Hamlington Department of Mechanical Engineering University of Colorado, Boulder, CO |
The Non-normality of Nature:
Intermittency in Turbulent Flows Abstract |
Feb. 6 (Wed) |
Andrew Slater Research Scientist CIRES & NSIDC University of Colorado, Boulder, CO |
Pixels, Inputs and Parameters: Assessing Uncertainty in Snow Modeling Abstract |
Feb. 13 (Wed) |
Dmitri Kavetski School of Civil, Environmental and Mining Engineering University of Adelaide Adelaide, Australia |
Battling Hydrological Monsters: Distinguishing Between Data Uncertainty, Structural Errors and Numerical Artifacts in Rainfall-runoff Modelling Abstract |
Feb. 20 (Wed) |
Allison Bell PhD candidate, Civil, Environmental, Architectural Engineering University of Colorado, Boulder, CO |
Battling The Development of Chemoattractant Plumes in Complex Flows and the Role of the Chemotactic Strategies Employed by Sperm to Navigate the Plumes to Fertilize an Egg Abstract |
Feb. 27 (Wed) |
Mr. Sachin Pandey PhD
Effect of Soluble Microbial Products on Pyrite Oxidation by Ferric Iron at pH < 2 Abstract |
Mar. 6 (Wed) |
Channing Arndt Department of Economics University of Copenhagen Denmark & leader of the climate change pillar at the World Institute for Development Economics Research at the United Nations University (UNU-WIDER) |
Climate Change Impacts in the Zambeze River Valley to 2050 Abstract |
Mar. 13 (Wed) |
Dr. Mari Jones Postdoctoral Research Scientist Regional Climate Research Section, MMM NCAR, Boulder, CO |
Exploring multi-annual Regimes total and Extreme Argentinian Precipitation Using |
Mar. 20 (Wed) | Hydrologic
Sciences Annual Student Symposium Mar 18-19
Mar. 27 (Wed) |
Days, March 27-29, Fort Collins, CO Spring Break |
Days, March 27-29, Fort Collins, CO Spring Break |
Apr 3 (Wed) |
Eric Small Department of Geological Sciences University of Colorado, Boulder, CO |
Using GPS Reflections to Estimate Terrestrial Water Cycle Variables Abstract |
Apr. 10 (Wed) |
Franco Biondi DendroLab Director Department of Geography, MS 154 University of Nevada Reno, NV 89557 |
Tree-Ring Extension of Precipitation in Eastern Nevada and its Implications for Drought Analysis Abstract |
Apr. 17 (Wed) |
Adriana Bailey PhD candidate, Climate Research Group, CIRES ATOC University of Colorado, Boulder, CO |
Stable Isotope Constraints on the Vertical Exchange of Moisture in the Convective Boundary Layer Abstract |
Apr. 24 (Wed) |
Reed M. Maxwell Director, Integrated GroundWater Modeling Center Department of Geology and Geological Engineering Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO |
Towards a complete description of the hydrologic cycle: Large scale simulations with parallel, |
May. 1 (Wed) |
David Wagner PhD candidate, Civil, Environmental, Architectural Engineering University of Colorado, Boulder, CO |
Backward Probabilistic Modeling Approach to
Source Identification in a Water Distribution System Abstract