JoAnn Silverstein
biological water/wastewater treatment processes, including nitrogen
transformation in activated sludge and biofilm, bioremediation of acid mine
drainage, bioreactors for recycling wastewater space, biodegradation of solid
Stanford University, BA, 1967, Psychology, Honors
University of California, Davis, BS, 1977, Civil Engineering, Summa cum Laude
University of California, Davis, MS, 1980, Civil (Environmental) Engineering
University of California, Davis, Ph.D., 1982, Civil (Environmental) Engineering
1982-present, Asst. Prof., Assoc. Prof, Professor, Dept. Civil, Environ. & Arch. Engineering, Univ. Colorado, Boulder
1976-1980, Engineering Asst., California Dept. Water Resources, Sacramento, CA
Professional Engineer, Colorado #26151, since 1989
Distinguished Engineering Educator, Society of Women Engineers, 2000
NSF Faculty Award for Women Scientists and Engineers, 1992-1997
Research Award, Dept. CEAE, 1985, 1992, 2000
Teaching Award, Dept. CEAE, 1986, Multicultural Engineering Program (2000)
Service, Assoc. Environ. Eng. & Science Professors, 1997, National Water Research Institute, 1999)
Committee Memberships
National Research Council Committee to Study Use of Reclaimed Water and Sludge in Food Crop Production, 1993-1995
Research Advisory Board, National Water Research Institute, 1994-present
Board of Directors, Assoc. Environ. Eng. & Science Professors, 1994-1997.
Women in Academia, Society of Women Engineers, 2000-present
Biosolids Committee, 1997-present
Research Papers
1. Peccia, J., E. Marchand, J. Silverstein, M. Hernandez, �Development and Application of Small-Subunit rRNA Probes for Assessment of Selected Thiobacillus Species and Members of the Genus Acidiphilium. Appl. Environ. Microbiol., 66(7):3065-3072, 2000.
2. Marchand, E. and J. Silverstein, �Remediation of Acid Rock Drainage by Inducing Biological Iron Reduction.� Proc. 5th Intl. Conf. Acid Rock Drainage, Soc. Mining, Metal. & Explor., 1201-1207, 2000.
3. Oh, J. and J. Silverstein, "Effect of air on-off cycles on activated sludge denitrification." Wat. Environ. Res., 71(7):1276-1282, 1999.
4. Oh, J. and J. Silverstein, "Substrate Limitation and Nitrate Accumulation During Denitrification," J. Environ. Eng. (ASCE), 123(3):234-242, 1999.
5. Oh, J. and J. Silverstein, "Oxygen inhibition of activated sludge denitrification," Wat. Res. 33(8):1925-1937, 1999.
6. Brion, G. and J. Silverstein, "Iodine Disinfection of a Model Bacteriophage, MS2, Demonstrating Apparent Rebound," Wat. Res., 33(1):169-179, 1999.
7. Glass, C. and J. Silverstein, "Denitrification of High-Nitrate, High-Salinity Wastewater," Wat. Res., 33(1):223-229, 1999.
8. Glass, C. and J. Silverstein, "Denitrification Kinetics of High Nitrate Concentration Water: pH Effect on Inhibition and Nitrite Accumulation," Wat. Res., 32:831-839, 1998.
9. Glass, C., J. Silverstein, and J. Oh, "Inhibition of denitrification by activated sludge by nitrite," Wat. Environ. Res., 69:1086-1093, 1997.
10. Carlson, G. and J. Silverstein, "Effect of Molecular Size and Charge on Biofilm Sorption of Organic Matter," Wat. Res., 32:1580-1592, 1998.
11. Carlson, G. and J. Silverstein, �Effect of Ozonation on Sorption of Natural Organic Matter by Biofilm,� Wat. Res., 31:2467-2478, 1997.
12. Jo, K-H. and J. Silverstein, "Substrate inhibition of degradation of 2,4-dinitrophenol in activated sludge," Wat. Environ. Res., 70:94-100, 1998.
Marchin, G.L., J. Silverstein and G.M. Brion, "Effect of
Microgravity on Escherichia coli and
MS-2 Bacteriophage Disinfection by Iodinated Resins," Acta Astronautica, 40(1):65-68, 1997.
14. Silverstein, J. �Biological Denitrification of Drinking Water in Rural Communities.� Project #WO-2662-84 Report to EPRI, May 1999.
15. Page, A. et al., (including J. Silverstein), Use of Reclaimed Water and Sludge in Food Crop Production, National Research Council, National Academy Press, Washington, DC, 1996.
16. Silverstein, J., G. Brion, R. Barkley, A. Dunham, C. Hurst, P. Todd, J. Shulz, "Contaminant Accumulation in Space Recycle Systems." Acta Astronautica, 33:317-338, 1994.
17. Barkley, R. Hurst, C., Dunham, A., Silverstein, J. and Brion, G. "Generation of Iodine disinfection By-Products in a Water Recycle System." Trans. Soc. Auto. Engineers, 101:1317-1321, 1992.
18. deMendonca, M., J. Silverstein, and N.E. Cook, Jr. �Short and Long-Term Responses to Changes in Hydraulic Loading in a Fixed Denitrifying Biofilm.� Wat. Sci. Tech., 26:535-544, 1992.
19. Figueroa, L.A. and J. Silverstein, �The effect of particulate organic matter on biofilm nitrification.� Wat. Environ. Res., 64(5):728-733, 1992.
20. Klees, R. and J. Silverstein, "Recycled Compost Study," Wat. Res. Eng., 87:36, 1987.
21. Barrett, J.M. and J. Silverstein, "The Effects of High-Carbon and High-Coliform Feed Waters on the Performance of Slow Sand Filters under Tropical Conditions," in Slow Sand Filtration, ed. N. Graham, Wiley & Sons, New York, NY, 1988.
J. (inventor), Univ. Colorado (owner), �Biological Denitrification of
Water,� U.S. (#5,681,471, Oct. 28, 1997) and international (European Patent
Office, no. 97903788.4-2104, 10/8/98), currently licensed by Univ. Colorado to
Nitrate Removal Technologies, LLC.
Student Supervision
14 Ph.D. students completed as principal advisor since 1989. Faculty members (Colorado School of Mines, Howard Univ., Univ. Idaho, Univ. Kentucky, Univ. Nevada-Reno, Northern Arizona Univ., King Fahd Univ. Petroleum & Minerals, Kuwait Univ.), Senior Environmental Engineer, World Bank, Director, Center for Drinking Water Optimization (Univ. Colorado), Project Manager, Greeley and Hansen, Director Technical Operations, BASX.
50 MS thesis students completed as principal advisor since 1983.
25 undergraduate research interns in SMART, UROP, and independent study programs.
Currently principal investigator and director of Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program supporting 8 undergraduate students summer interns each year (2000-2004)
Current Courses
Undergraduate: Thermodynamics (AREN 2020), Freshman Projects in the Integrated Teaching and Learning Laboratory at CU (GEEN 1400)
Graduate: Biological Wastewater Treatment (CVEN 5534)