Location: ECCE
Wednesdays 11:00 - 12:00 PM
Prof. R. Balaji |
Jan. 18 (Wed) |
Dr. Aaron
True Research Associate Department of Civil, Environomental & Architectural Engineering University of Colorado Boulder, CO |
Hydrodynamics of Inhalant-Exhalant Flows Abstract |
Jan. 25 (Wed) |
Scientist, C3WE
Incorporating Decadal Predictions into Water Mangaement Decisions Abstract |
Feb. 1 (Wed) |
Dr. Keith
Musselman |
Slower Snowmelt in a
Warmer World: Using Observations and Modeling
to Develop a New Theory of Hydrologic Change Abstract |
Feb. 8 (Wed) |
John England |
Hydrologic Hazards for Risk-informed Dam and Levee Safety Abstract |
Feb. 13 (Mon) |
Geology and
Geological Engineering School of Mines Golden, CO |
Distinguished Seminar & Darcy Lecture A Tale of Two Porosities: Exploring Why Contaminant Transport Doesn't Always Behave the Way it Should Abstract |
Feb. 22 (Wed) |
Earth Science
and Observation Center, CIRES |
Next Generation Surface Water
Measurements and Discharge Inversion Methods Abstract |
Mar. 1 (Wed) |
Research Scientist |
Advances in Computational Hydrology to Support Water Resources Planning and Management: Quantitative Hydrologic Storylines of Climate Change Impacts and New Hydrologic Prediction Capabilities Abstract |
Mar. 8 (Wed) |
Research Physical Scientist Office of Surface
Water & National
Research Program |
Geostatistical Tools Can Improve
Hydrologic Characterization to Support National-Domain
Simulation of Complete Water Budgets Abstract |
Mar. 15 (Wed) |
Department of Ecosystem
Science and Management Texas A & M University College Station, TX |
An Ecohydrological Paradox: Why
is it so hard to Manage Vegetation to Increase Water
Supplies: Examples from the Southern Great Plains Abstract |
Mar. 22 (Wed) |
Hydrology Days 2017 Mar 20-22 | Hydrology Days 2017 Mar 20-22 |
Mar. 29 (Wed) |
Spring Break | Spring Break |
Apr 5 (Wed) |
Sciences Annual Student Symposium Apr 6-7 |
Hydrologic Sciences Annual Student Symposium Apr 6-7 |
Apr. 12 (Wed) |
T. Prabhakar Clement F.ASCE Groome Endowed
Professor, Environmental Engineering Program 212
Harbert Engineering Center Department
of Civil Engineering
Worthiness of complex groundwater models for decision making� How can we balance complexity with simplicity? Abstract |
Apr. 19 (Wed) |
Tim Covino |
Land Cover Change and Some Implications for Water, Carbon, and Nutrient Flux Abstract |
Apr. 26 (Wed) |
John Gerstle Gerstle & Company Natural Resources Management Boulder, CO |
May3 (Wed) |